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Saturday, December 08, 2007


After a slight hiatus from blogging, I am back.... :-)

It hasn't been inspiring lately that would make me want to run to the nearest machine and access the Internet just so I could jot down something decent here. Mostly, the day would pass by quietly or uneventfully as I continue my struggle to play catch-up with my assignments. There have been many times too that I find myself with nothing to put down on the blog simply because my mind was blank and just want to get some sleep.

As I continue my studies in Spirituality and what the lessons had to offer so far, through the various lecturers who graciously share their wisdom and thoughts, I am realising just how much we are giving up in life for things that are so fleeting and meaningless, and all for the sake of one's desire for wealth, health and power (to be in control).

We think that science and technology will take us far. Instead, it has already shown us our naivety and our own contradictions in life that make us destroyers as much as we want to be builders. As much as we want to be liberated from our fears and sufferings, we find ourselves inexorably pulled deeper towards our own destruction, enslaved by the very things we thought would free us.

Even we as faithful believers of God the Father, have, time and again, fallen short of our calling. And I also find myself together in this misery we put ourselves in. In his insightful book, Impact of God, Fr Iain Matthew, OCD, shows how a small echo is always there that gently invites us to make that leap of faith which guarantees that our God is waiting to catch us into his loving embrace: John of the Cross speaks to people who feel unable to change... felt this as a call to reach out to God... But within us, an unvoiced fear can make change impossible... It begs the question: if I give myself, will God fill me in my life?.....

It's a question we all need to face eventually and the answer may very well surprise us. For me, it only is enough that I am knowing the good Lord has provided with more than enough sustenance and the knowledge to carry on with what is before me. I may not know exactly the whole plot of my life story and why I am being led in this manner, but that I felt and continue to feel this resonance of the Divine is enough.


Anonymous said...

very thoughtful and inspirational post, Father. Thank u...

Anonymous said...

Science and technology has made our life more convenient, and allowed us to stay "connected". But the truth is that it has in fact dragged us further away as people has started to lose that "human touch".

"SMS divorce", checking our blackberry when on dates/appointment, or phones ringing during the 1 hour weekly mass (I remember Jesus once asked his disciples: Don't you even have one hour for me?); the world seems so distracted ... :-(

Your statement "it has already shown us our naivety and our own contradictions in life that make us destroyers as much as we want to be builders." is so true.


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