I can't resist this little tale...
A small bottle containing urine sat on the desk of Sir William Osler. He was then the eminent professor of medicine at Oxford University. Sitting before him was a classroom full of young wide-eyed medical students listening to his lecture on the importance of observing details. To emphasize his point, he reached down and picked up the bottle. Holding it high, he announced: “This bottle contains a urine sample for analysis. It’s often possible by testing it to determine the disease from which the patient suffers.”
Suiting action to words, he dipped a finger into the urine and then into his mouth as he continued: “Now I am going to pass this bottle around. Each of you please do exactly as I did. Perhaps we can learn the importance of this technique and diagnose the case.” The bottle made its way from row to row as each student gingerly poked his finger in and bravely sampled the contents with a frown. Dr. Osler then retrieved the bottle and startled his students with these words: “Gentlemen, now you will understand what I mean when I speak about details. Had you been observant, you would have seen that I put my index finger into the bottle but my middle finger into my mouth!”
Just as this professor was able to get his students to taste urine because they weren’t paying attention, so Satan gets us embroiled in conflicts and other sinful actions because we aren’t paying close enough attention to his actions.
Geopolitics and Papal Elections
If you have any doubt that geopolitics should play a role in papal
elections, think of this: while choosing someone to step into the shoes of
the poor fish...
21 hours ago
Lolz...by necessary enquiries...I meant asking you Father.
U are SO SICKENING !!! Yucks.
Leader of Ring, All my U noe WAT are in the HOMILIES, hahaha, how huh???
it went sumthing like Do not Be Afraid i am with u, I will call u each by name, Come & Follow Me, I will gve u Rest, i lve u & u are Mine.
Be guai, ok? i thought u dun read newpapers u read sumthing else??? heehee
To think I actually asked you what the moral of the tale was...I ought to 'drink up' =p
Sorry lah, I was really trying to calm myself (& the girls) down... this is only our 2nd time..must understand..and somemore the cute lil' server was on my highest attention list.
OK u can still call me, when you are ready.
thx a lot Father..in the meantime do stop by mrsaint.blogspot.com if ur free. many thx again
I "ready" i oso call u, me lah. i dun noe wat to expect 2nte at 8pm. better stop eating, if not can't receve Jesus later. Tonte's Topic - FORGVNESS.
it's FR PZ again 2mw nte not FR SP. Fr Aloy, his chnese very the good. i speakee the halfengland & halfchnese to him trying to find chnese words. haha........sum1 intro me to him wan. Thk U to tat sum1.
It's a Table of Forgvness which comes with Love.
Fral, you'll hit 10k before the end of this week. Actually, if I hit the refresh button for 80x thereabouts, you'll hit 10k in the next coupla mins! :D
don't tempt me!... anyway, with or without your attempts it will eventually get there.
Lead us not into temptation... (Refresh)... lead us not into temptation... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)... (Refresh)...
called an INDIAN Client 2day, i said i was frm X Bank, she went Indian Bank??? i was like - helo, am frm X Bank, Indian Bank??? Jesse said even yr clients feel the "Indianish part of u". I gve up.
Another one, Is it conveient to speak to u or are u buzy, "Yes i am buzi but Wat is it, huh?" Self-contradicting.........can't stand, buzi means buzi lah, get on with yr work or watever u doing, still Wat is it???
Ok 2nte really last nte to the NOVENA, 6th Nte. Keep tellg mself Last Nte but never seem............
PZ got a joke abt "Aunties". hahaha.........he say he was in another parish b4 he cme to St Anne's. One am an elderly lady bought him breakfast, and he said it was "Like Penance" it means tat muz be not nice to eat. hahaha........the auntie kept "piling" his plate.
Sharonjie2, Thk U...........
Fral, I have an urge... It's an urge of 20 mouseclicks... :P
Qui-Gon Jinn: Be wary, I sense a disturbance in the Force.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: I feel it too, Master.
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