Le couer a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point. Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
(The heart has a reason which reason does not know)
The movie I, Robot, may seemed to be setting a premise that one day humans will allow themselves be served by robots and the continued advances of technology but will face the consequence of losing their freedom and perhaps even their humanity to these machines. However, Asimov being a humanist, has a strong case that humans will not have the raw end of the situation because we possess the power of the heart that robots do not. Robots deal with statistics and probabilities. We deal with those too but we can choose to ignore the probable outcome and do totally the opposite.
That is why I am proud to be a human, despite my weakness and limitation. A human with a heart. A heart that cares for what is going on around the world and in my immediate vicinity. A heart that knows that I can't doing anything for anyone who doesn't want to help oneself. A heart that cries when I know I am unable to make things any better because it is out of my hands. A heart that gives in to its Creator because He has the final say. Deep down inside myself, mine is a heart that knows I cannot, but, must beat with the same tempo as our Blessed Mother's when she said, "I am the handmaid f the Lord." Running away from or ignoring these would be futile for my heart beats to the ancient rhythm of God's love already present since my own existence: "...our hearts are restless until they rest in thee" (St Augustine, 354 - 430 A.D.)
What does your heart speak to you today?
The Tears of St. Monica
Not only does the example of St. Monica illustrate the power of prayer but
it reaches into the very meaning of motherhood as well.
6 hours ago
Robots, too, can choose to ignore the probable outcome and do the opposite. It's all dependent on the software. To simulate a highly confused personality, with zero predictability, all you need is to code in a random (response) generator. :)
That aside, today, my heart tells me, even more surely that "my Father made me for a purpose". *wink*
Before I forget - Happy Feast Day! :)
Thanks and BTW a robot follows thru with the order no matter what. I can change my mind at any point in time. That a robot can't do even with a 'random-random-generator'. The potatoes never tasted any sweeter than this!
French Fries can or not?
oso can be SWEET POTATOES...........
I better change my PETNAME to PATIENCE.
2day got a client,asked him 'convenient to tok?' he said "i THINK i am busy". busy means busy lah, still got "i THINK".........
Another client zis one i felt very bad, mum picked up phone, i went can i speak to "X". mum said sumthing like, he's ard. i went again "can i speak to him?" her answer "My son Dwn Symdrone" i had to quickly apologise.
Very BUZI at WORK.
Be Good All of U !!!
My heart tells me I need a break...stressed out from work and not-so-helpful group mates.
But then again reason tells me i should go on :)
Z from SFX
Z, it's me - exslipper, now i got new nickname. hahaha............Welcome Back, been wondering where u been? it's ok wan, i oso stressed out at work. if not nxt mth i can eat "salad" for my meals, u noe "eat grass" i put in a nicer way - "eat salad". working late oso............nxt wk onwards be worse. expecting wkends to be BURNT as well.
How are u???
Z - dun be like me ok, well-known for CHESTPAINS.........no joke wan. so muz take things easy and learn to LAFF it aloud or off. but very tough. collegue stressed out till HIGH BLD PRESSURE last wk. i still laffing away but zis wk really burning for all of us, new mth. part & parcel of life lah.
ok close to 12 midnte, hyatt 1240pm 2mw??? maybe can't confirm see i can wake up or not coz i be stonning away..........
Z - U ok? i was woken by my mei2, damn irriating i was still oinking till around 9am and she had to tok to mummie so loudly. aiyoh early am still eat egg tat needs to be broken wan, watery type. cannot eat egg later no sales. heehee.........
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