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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

From Death To Life!

Incensing2 (Photo credit: Annoysius)
Happy Easter to one and all!

Forget the Easter bunny! Christ is risen, alleluia!

Sometimes we allow ourselves to be distracted too much by the lesser trappings of the Easter celebrations that we forget the real reason of this celebration. Our 40 days of the Lenten period is over, and now we rejoice and are filled with a lightness that speaks of a deep and profound happiness which pervades our being in knowing that Jesus Christ has conquered death! This implies that we, too, follow in his steps to conquering our death in our journey to God, our Father.

What can be more joyful and exhilirating than that?...
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Anonymous said...

no Easter bunny = no chocolate eggies!!!!! *wail*

Legolas fan

Unknown said...

Happy Easter Fr. God reign!!


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