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Monday, October 11, 2010

Discern the BBQ!

TristacherseeImage by Giorgio___ via FlickrThe last weekend saw the Seminary together with the Vocation Office organising a discernment workshop or both the aspirants and members from the parishes to explore the various ways to figure out carefully, in the context of faith, how to discern God's call. The main speaker, being Fr Ignatius Huan, engaged the participants through an enlightening series of sessions that offered them the intricacies and potential of using the Ignatian method of discerning the spirits to sieve through our baggages of life and to come to a suitable conclusion of what need to be done for one's vocation in life.

This workshop gave valuable tools and insight, which should be used by any one who profess to follow Christ and seek to do God's will. I have come across quite a few persons during my stint in the parishes who are earnestly searching for answers in this area that may be on vocation or just simply to deal with a particular crossroads of life, but do not know where to start or how to go about making a right decision. Perhaps, they should have attended the workshop...

On Saturday, the Serra Club (of Singapore) graciously held a BBQ for the Seminary and we had our aspirants who stayed for the weekend to joined in and gotten myself initiated into the community here, in a small ceremony of myself receiving a gift and wearing it - a sarong! The theme for that night's BBQ was "Kampung Nite"! It was the first time in a very long while that I wore one...

Besides the usual, and delicious, BBQ food, we also had local fruits which included the durians. The durians that we had was one of the better quality ones, brought over by the Serran president (Sean Yeo), who had to bear with the smell over the two hour journey in getting it into Singapore and to the Seminary, as he couldn't stand durians. That is what we call sacrifice!

The workshop ended on late Sunday afternoon with a celebration of a Mass and the participants and the aspirants much more enlightened and discerning concerning their call of life to engage in.
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1 comment:

Angeline said...

Hi Fr. Aloy,

From your writings you sounded very happy... All the best in your new mission, a very impt role.
And... enjoy the quiet and serene environment..


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