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Monday, March 05, 2007

Slow Week...

We have moved into the 2nd week of Lent. It has been a slow movement of things to do and experience as the Lenten season weave its discipline upon us.

Along the way, I have done a homily, one infant baptism and many meals in relation to the CNY celebrations that were also going on. The CNY celebrations just finished yesterday and now I seem to be getting the after effect with this cough and slight cold that carried into today. Somehow, I have managed to contained them with lots of liquids, off-the-shelf Panadol for cold/flu remedy and some cough syrup :-P

There was also this little excitement about the lunar eclipse yesterday during the dawn hours of Sunday where I almost had the chance to get a glimpse of it but... well, you can read about my misadventure at my other blog. :-)

Meanwhile, I am on standby this week. So, barring any extra masses or funeral, I should be able to grab my scope to do some solid heavens gazing! There is Saturn in the night to catch on the eastern sky with Triton, its moon; Venus during the early evening along the western heavens and if I really go all out for it, Jupiter along the southern sky during dawn near the Scorpio constellation.

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