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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Communion - Don't Play, Play, ok!...

I have to visit Serene Nursing Home in a short while to attend to an elderly gentleman there for his confession. Probably give him communion also. I have gone down to that place a few times already since I was posted to this parish and it is nestled within the Joo Chiat vicinity and near a Chinese temple. I usually walk there as it is more convenient and allows me to exercise my legs a little. In today's current weather we are having now, it may be a breezy and cooling journey there. :-)

Not so for one of our Communion Minister to the Sick who had to endure a frightening and strange incident on her way to give communion to one our of homebound parishioner around the Marine Terrace neighbourhood the Thursday past. She bumped into two loanshark brutes who were about to harass this elderly person's at home, whose son probably had some unsavoury connection with these louts. They came from behind our CM making accusations and shouting at her who was about to knock on the door but stopped herself from doing so. As she turned around, suddenly the louts covered their eyes, as though they were blinded by something extremely bright, and turned around and ran away like the devil was on their tails. Our CM was bemused and a little shock by the whole affair. What caused those goons to flee and so suddenly too?

She was carrying hosts for her rounds of giving communion to 8 parishioners. The hosts were in the pyx which was in a pouch that hung around her neck. As she turned around the pouch was in full view of the goons. Till today, our CM has no explanation for what happened that day. All we can say is, Praise the Lord!


Anonymous said...

Yes, the Force is strong with this one. :P

Unknown said...

I am not surprised at this story. I is beyond human understanding but KNOWN to GOD-The Force Giver

Anonymous said...

Many yearn to see this blinding light. 2000 years ago, a guy named Paul was struck by this blinding light on his way to Damascus. Apart from catching Christians of the time, not sure if his resume includes collecting debts.

Bless the louts who came and saw. Hope their "blindness" was gone 3 days later.

guntrain said...

Indeed the Lord has his ways of protecting and blessing us.

BoZoGEMOK said...

Truly a miracle indeed! Thank you for sharing this beautiful miracle and the wonderful power of the Holy Eurcharist that only we the Catholics have the priviledge to receive Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Before I comment, I just wanted to say that I'm a healthy catholic who believes in miracles.

However, I question anyone who publicly labels untested events as "miracles" to offer an account of how the conclusion (of a miracle) is reached.

The intention is purely a matter of personal interest & curiosity. After all, "skepticism is the purest form of intellect" & I trust readers of this report/blog do not wish to feel as if they are being insulted with stories of fancy simply to promote the faith.

Aside, it is my belief that the more common the use of terms such as "miracle" is used within the context of the Church, the greater the "dilution" of credibility of "true" Vatican sanctioned miracles.

Anonymous said...

(Continued from previous)

For example, perhaps the debt collectors did not wish to be identified by potential independent witnesses in a court of law?

Perhaps one of them knew the CM personally?


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