Just had another round of penitential service this morning over at OLPS and the crowd was big. I met some from the Holy Family parish making their confessions there. By the time in was over, my back was aching and legs feeling like rubber. :P Still two more sessions to go in the night at 7 and 9 pm.
Lately, and I believe it is Christmas, there has been a slight increase of people - not seeking individual confessions - but handouts with their long sob stories and so on hoping to get some money. I just gave one S$50.00 based on what he appealed to me, knowing that at the back of my mind he is lying. After he took the money and just before he left I told him that there was no 'Blk 27' at Kampung Arang... will I see the last of him? Time will tell. Besides his ID details is with us, and I specifically told him not to bother coming by here again - ever! Why I gave him the money? God knows! :-P

If you ever really hard-up for money, perhaps you can try going over to
mrbrownshow.com and listen to his podcasts and ask for 4D number. One of his podcasts gave away a number in jest based on their dig at Singaporeans' obsession with 4D. That number came out first prize last Sunday! Now, I am not supporting 4D, just pointing to that coincidence in how their number landed up as a big prize money... ;-) Someone actually bought that number for that Sunday draw and snagged S$18K!
chun or not? :-D
1 comment:
I think that someone who did snag 18k bought something like $50 on that number. But in any case, yeah... I find myself wistfully wishing I had 18k too..
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