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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Break...

Christmas decorations
Christmas decorations (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you have been wondering what has gone on with this blog, it juts went into a rather long extended hiatus due to many distractions and other work related activities which took my main attention.

Among the many distractions were the renovation at my current that took away, for a while, all forms of communicating on the Net, i.e. phone lines and the Internet connections. We are currently displaced from our usual abode of Block A to  Blocks B and C. I am now currently residing temporarily in Block C and after a few weeks of shifting, packing and unpacking.

It is a temporary measure while our main block is being renovated, which include plumbing and rewiring. The Seminary hasn't had any major maintenance or upkeep for the last 28+ years since it was built. Thus, it isn't any surprise that we have reached this stage where such major works are in progress.

On another note, I am writing this from Kajang as I am now on my Christmas break. It is a short respite from the goings on and ecclesiastical duties in Singapore while I encounter Christmas in a slightly different manner in Malaysia. It's also reacquanting. once again, with my nephews and nieces which gets taller every passing Christmas. While they are still within the heights of my knees and hips for now, it won't be long before they will tower over their parents and myself!

Meantime, till the next one, stay well there and God be with you this Advent!
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