It has come and gone! It won't happen again in another 100 years (or 1000 years for a perfect order like this)!
So, what did you do for 08/08/08? :-D
Setting St. Augustine on Fire
It was never mere proof of God’s existence that set Augustine on fire; it
was, rather, the grace to remain steadfast in following the Lord, indeed,
in fall...
1 hour ago
Hi Aloy! Sorry to have to use this blog to communicate to you. I lost your email address! Just to let you know that Fr Lawrence Yeo, our former rector, passed away last week, and his funeral was held yesterday morning. He was 60 years old. A lot of priests attended his funeral at St Joseph's Church, Bukit Timah. Please furnish me with your email address at my email ( I hope things are fine with you in the dreaded country of Italy.
With prayers
Fr. Lawrence's Funeral Service pics
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