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Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Weekends

Aaahh... the weekend! Time out to, not only relax even though that helps a lot, catch a long breath of consolidating what we had learned the past week. This usually means using the ample time available to organize my thoughts and directions on what I had accumulated for the lessons we had thus far, though exercises, reading and studying.

Boring, you say? Perhaps. But the necessity of finishing this course in good order and for me to survive all this in one piece overrides all other luxuries for now. :-P This also includes saving some room for the Latin lessons, which, by the way, was surprisingly enjoyable! The best part about the Latin class is that it is non-obligatory with no tests/exams. :-) It helped also that for those who still want to attend the lessons, like myself, the teacher happened to be very skillful in making the afternoon classes engaging.

Meanwhile, it is that special week and onwards where the summer festivities take place in gusto before the season ends. Just outside our compound, where the park is, a celebration or festival of sorts is taking place. This is organised by the current ruling party of the country - the Communist Party (Left), to be exact. There are tents and booths there for food, drinks, games and entertainment that starts after 9 p.m. and goes on till a little after midnight. Our carpark area within the Villa also gave way to provide a hot-air ballon ride! We watched, up close, as the personnel unfurled the giant balloon to set up for the ride, hot air and all. It was my first time seeing something like this with such near a proximity!

By the way, we made a visit to Amelia, a town that is also a part of the Terni diocese. We went there last Wednesday, the feast of the Assumption of our Lady. You can check the outing presented in pictures here.

Have a pleasant and peaceful weekend ahead! Buon fine settimane!

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