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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love Is In the Air?

Today is Valentine's Day. So, you'd expect love to be in the air and so on.

I happened to pass by the Cathay Cineplex and opposite the road, where the traffic junction is along with the ERP gantry, lies the Presbyterian Church. It had a huge poster that was draped across its railings which said, "Love is not in the air, it is in the cross." Quite apt, I must say!

Love is a four letter word that has many times been taken for granted. With the frequency of divorces and breakdown of marriages these days (even among Christians!), Love and all its other related matters seem to be trivialised and seen as commodities to be thrown away when their usefulness seem to have gone. And we call ourselves civilised and modern today! *shake head*

Today's saints we celebrate are two special persons and none of them refer to a St. Valentine! If we can promote the love that God always meant us to be, it would be the best gift we can give to any of our love ones!

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