#1. Someone sends you a picture of her newborn that is so cute and cuddly (not just the soft toy...) whose age tells you that you are ancient. Even the young 'un's face and demeanour seem to say, "Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh. The young rulez the world!" Well, I have only one thing to say. Grow up first young man! ;-)
#2. The same friend sends you a coaster that tells you how good and secure you are in your position that you have no need to worry about anything. Not even heaven's proclamation nor hell's fire can move you away from your illustrious status. Actually, she is quite right. I am stuck with this eternally! :-P
#3. You go out for your birthday dinner and ended up in this eating establishment that is right smack in the middle of the busy Geylang district. It's the 'famous' Chuan Yi Pin rest

But the best part is yet to come!... :-D
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