The rain can sometimes make a person refletive and a natural philosopher. It's also wet and cold outside and my stomach is growling with hunger pangs (the noodles are on the way).
Lately, it's been rather a difficult time as I struggle with the workload that just keep coming in with no end in sight and finding the center in all this for some balance and sanity. The temptation to redirect or reject the requests for weddings, funerals and what nots is always there but if I do so (believe me I sure can!) I am running away from my responsibilities and perhaps creating a dark opportunity to shirk all duties and ministry in the end! So, the struggle continues. The tension remains.
Not surprising then, that I get, now and then, glimpses of light that suffuses the soul saying that we shall not be overcome and for all the irritants that abound, goodness shall always prevail - that there will always be a light at the end of every tunnel we find ourselves going through. A little child's embrace, a smile, some space for quiet time despite the limited time available, a profound moment in prayer, a good book, a thank you ...
The rain today must have also brought about a temporary loss of memory. Prayed the Morning Prayer but not using those for John the Baptist, whose feast we celebrate today! Have a nice anyway and remember, the Father is with you - always!
Must I Truly Love My Enemies?
The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s gospel includes such tough commands as
love your enemies, turn the other cheek, and judge not. How are we to
19 hours ago
Am I running away from MY RESPONSIBILTIES? Will you choose YR JOB or FAMILY? when you jolly well know yr family needs you most during this period of time. Mum is getting worked up paranoid or watever for the slightest they understand i have my job fulfilment as well obligations? or does my mgr understand??? i was at dhb mrt - armed elite force walking ard.....left ofce ard 6pm.........walked out on dot because I know my family needs me most now.checked my hp and called back mgr she shouted at me and said i being irresponsible i finish work offically at 6pm - didn't hit quota didn't stay back assist team. asked me choose FAMILY OR JOB - sum1 told me tell her BOTH, I dun wish to go into box and tell jesus Yes i chose my job over family during this period of time, i always do tat. was sobbing badly...........either u come back now to ofce and work or come back 2mw. thk god tat sum1 was with me, was sobbing out.......even angmoh at mrt looking dwn - screaming wat u expect me to do? Family or Work??? god noes wat made me go holyhr.........esp TGIF.
Sum1 told me you are under a lot of STRESS - oso being the parents are in retired age. Thk God i didn't get any CP coz i was really UPSET.
juz reached home and mum went "we are oredi so worried". u going to work 2mw??? she can wake me middle of nte to ask me BE CAREFUL......when i go to work, she say "one is enuf...." parents didn't sleep much last nte. started shouting at part zis am told me take bus to work my estate where got bus to my ofce? i controlled wanted tell her "doubledeck oso blwn up" - quickly got mself out of hse to avoid answerg mum back. walk to work??? sum1 on bus told me juz say yup take bus but u juz do opposite.......everyone noes mum not in rite frame of mind, sum1 juz asked me are u going to be like yr mum another confused one??? eyes all red, ended up in prayer rm......not a place i wan to be in ......and sum1 told me u dun last min put in mass offerty for zis am - most irriating one around. i juz say ok......dun have mood to HANDLE OBJECTIONS. u tink i wan to put last nte last min??? helo....... and for dad - MEN DO NOT SHOW THEIR EMOTIONS even though worried - drinkg beer to knock himself out (Sleep)
i really dun noe where's the tunnel of lite??? oni noe i am dead tired SANDWICHED...........
Fr Aloy hope tat "this adventure" will lead yr LOST LITTLE SHEEP back to church.
*Mei2 has got out of LONDON & went over to SWEDEN (she has got her contacts there as well). she was under "HOUSEARREST" for 2 days in LONDON.......... playing MJ/MSN to pass get to CENTRAL LONDON more than 5 hours.......u tink u dare to go??? roads are jammed.......she was in outskirts but still.......mum worried. parents will always be parents.
Did i fight the good fight 2day?
One 12 hour pill and another 8 hour pill wat u expect frm me??? heehee.........*Good luck see wat time i crawl out frm bed". Juz venting.
Every Family got their own pblems but helo, zis is not a JOKE............yup being eldest the STRESS IS ON ME............
yr past achievements is PAST even how much you contributed, the nites you stay back to slog out like PRODUCTION OPERATOR - 12 hours is PAST..........juz a few ntes ago. i didn't even send mei2 off to the airport i was burning in ofce. Wat if ??? Touchwd..........even these few days been havg throat pblem been working as per normal. Wat more do u wan???
mum juz told me "we are getting on in age" we need you around..........anything least you can handle - being eldest. and here you have sum1........."i need yr quota" - NO COMPASSION. Sum1 told me this is UNIVERSTY OF HARDKNOCKS u need to be knocked more..........Ah Pek...........
2day homily was UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND with PRIDE you can't have love. Forgveness oso come along.
When you can go up to the person u hurt to say SORRIE........tat's love - ra homily at holyhr. my 1st holyhr i dun noe wat i was doing there but i was there. least i prayed for mei2 i dun need anymore STRESS OR PRESSURE FROM ANY1.
How abt juz sitting at the back of church and juz be left alone???
staring at Eucharist??? i dun need an answer dun need any stress or pressure. JUZ PEACE ............
Precious Blood of Jesus, Pse protect all yr children who are in different parts of the world.......
It's not as though u had taken a vow of obedience to your manager?
Well, the WHOLE SALES TEAM heard how my manager screamed at me on hp. all she wan is SALES QUOTA, nowadays they don't care what happens to u as long u bring in sales quota. my job is such that you can't FALL SICK TAKE LEAVE.
Have to Thank God during times of difficulties that I have friends who have kept me SANE. and reminding me BEING THE ELDEST you have the responsibility of taking care of parents. asked dad why don't you ask her to come back - you think she will??? she's back in london after visiting friends in sweden and travelling somewhere again.
Thank You Jesus also for sending me a Travelling companion in the morning to work who checks on me to make sure i am not of UNSOUND MIND OR CONFUSED as well.......
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