Tribute to all who are working out there today. TGIF!
After all is said and done, this is the life I have and this is the life which I will journey on - no more, no less. Drop in and perhaps there may some things of common we both take to...
Damned from Richard Phelan on Vimeo.
i like the "CARTOON" a lot !!! Hahaha......... Fr Aloy, u so huaitan wan, STRESS is in all of us - even roadsweeper or CEO or whoever oso got wan. i like it a lot the pix. Z, the pix oso for u lah. Fr Aloy Thk U so much for the PIX.
i am going off liao out of ofce, be guai & yr huayu buxi muz ting laoshi ok?
it's me lah, the pix describes all those who are "stuck" in the ofce - GOOD LUCK TO THOSE STUCK IN THERE, looked a bit like confession the pix??? hahaha..........& oso those who need a break - TIME to be ALONE........a short trip will have been a good idea.
later see wat i get frm BOTAK abt transfiguration. really no idea.
Got it liao - Transfiguration, it's abt Peter and the REST who go up mountain but they suppsed to cme dwn to spread good news kind of thing, not suppsed stay up there. eg will be - we go sunday mass and then mummie cmes back & tells daddy and kids wat fr say, she expects us to practice our faith but she doesn't. sounds familiar??? wat fr meant was oso not say we go for retreats it is no good but we muz practice wat we preach or should i say wat we learn frm retreats. sum pple do go for many..........but do they practise wat they learn.
heard tat 2day is "Rag" at NUS, ME going back to oink2. sum pple juz ve so much energy............
later i going "DISCOVER MY ROOTS". Heehee............or sum1 gona say i got "NO ROOTS".
Do I not LOOK & SOUND S'POREAN??? oh dear me, i was at HFC bus-stop & got on a bus with a lady asking for directions she gve me the look & asked me "Are u a Tourist?" nevermind tat, while on the bus going reach destination, asked UNCLE BUSDRIVER, is zis where i should stop to get to destination, he asked me in return "Are u S'porean or are u a Tourist?" Helo???
anyway had very heavy dner.........chay kway teow, oyster with egg & zhichar crispy noodles. Walked thrg my roots and quite fun, it was like HONGKONG LADIES STREET............Sumting different for the nte. Last nte was Glutton Square..........
anytme i be off frm here. tk my oinkg pill liao.
Thks Fr Aloy for the homily - "Bluff novena".
took one of yr TRIANGULAR M&Ms, left it in my bermudas forgot to take it out till now, heehee........passed it to mei2, she so fasincated u take frm where? i say frm Fr Aloy's ofce. she say mini M&Ms very cute. told her u want summore "Come Back to HFC". heehee...........haven't told her abt TOYSHOP yet.
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