I have a bunch of primary children tomorrow for catechism class to present on the topic of 'Holy Orders'. I have to impress on them the following:
a. being a priest doesn't necessary mean you are an alien from another planet.
b. a priest can lead a normal life like playing computer games, watching movies and hanging out with friends - besides fulfilling their needed presence for preaching and giving of the Sacraments.
c. that a person can be called to be a priest or a religious by God at any time and not necessarily through the latest handphone.
d. that there are other categories to the religious life besides the priesthood, e.g. OFM (out for money), CICM (can i collect money?), etc...
e. this life may be a little tough but it is a fulfilling and satisfying one.
I hope to hear at least one child wanting to take up the challenge to follow this vocation in life later! A tall order but stranger things have happened...
Catholics Are Rapidly Losing Ground
A new survey shows that for every 100 new Catholics, more than 800 people
leave the Church. As bad as that is, the news is actually worse when we
look more...
6 hours ago
A Priest can PLAY COMPUTER GAMES, More like Blog or does up his Blog whenever he likes. A Priest is 1 who loves to SUAN PEOPLE. U muz tell them oso got HOLY HRS - which job can ve Holy Naps??? , Owner of TOYSHOP summore!!! Seminary like RESORT- Swimmg Pool, Play Pool, Gym.........
Ok, enuf is said..........seeing 2 MINNIE MOUSES with 2 ponytails
U 4got abt NUNS oso lah........i noe it's RELIGIOUS Orders but still u 4got yr cat kids oso got Gal Gal wan u noe.
If ever I have a son, Fral, I will have you psycho him. Deal? :)
Young Padawan
Too bad I am not in Primary School...
I just watched Francis the Musical...not bad...should have asked FRAL along...hmm...
Wat does CSsR stand for then?
Hehe...I dun mind going diocesan... :P
C.Ss.R. - Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris
(Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer)
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