For a StickFast fan: Here's looking at you, kid!
After all is said and done, this is the life I have and this is the life which I will journey on - no more, no less. Drop in and perhaps there may some things of common we both take to...
Damned from Richard Phelan on Vimeo.
Fral!!!!!! OMIGOOOOOOOOONESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!(hardow... it's Stikfas okie... no 'c' in the centre and 't' at the end)
OK, ok... no need to pull your hairs over this. STIKFAS it is! Still for the sake of having to put your point across and for the meaning if this comment to make sense (for the future), the caption for the pic remains.
I want to see the Phantom! Yes, I know I'm v demanding... but who cares?
Do it do it! :D
The pic, can you fit in that triangular wood block with your name on it... put it behind the stik men and keep stik men in same pose as original? Snap it down and call it Clergy Violence.
DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!!! And put it up on the stikfas site too! Woohooo! :D
Elton wants me to put this down here for you. Don't ask me why. *makes face*
"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally."
- Darth Maul (quoted from a teaser for Episode 1... not from the movie)
I fear the future of this blog. It may be overrun with Stikfas people! May the force be with us...
yes, young padawan. the same,I fear. stronger this disturbance is getting...
Fear, fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering...
Yoda Too :P
## Fral, so when did you get demoted to "young padawan" huh? Tsk tsk... :D
Very FREE Someone??? Got Time to revamp his blog. Not like U got to go do ROOMWORK NOW, if not 2mw morning got pblem getting out of house early. Who else???
i am in Disneyland now. Be Guai ok?
I realised you took off the page view counter. You nearly hit 10k viewership, did you know that? Achievement ok...! But with our help, of cos. :P
of course!...
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