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Friday, July 05, 2002

Lord, Hear Our Prayers
While trying to put something down here, I am wondering what points of interest that I could highlight. There has been many things and incidents that have come and gone, some good, some not too good. But not enough too put them down in writing. Perhaps I'll just put down my petitions for today and if you are free just a say prayer for them:

a. Malcolm - dying of cancer. Our former library staff. In his 30s and a wonderfully optimistic person in spite of his worsening condition.
b. Fr Chan - my former S.D. and spiritual mentor. Recuperating from a stroke and now at Little Sisters.
c. My friends (and all those out there) who are genuinely searching for their foothold in life in the light of God's will for them.

Finally, let's all pray a moment for the peace that only Christ can give...Amen.

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