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Sunday, November 18, 2001

The End of an Experience and the Beginning of Another?
Classes are over for this year and assignments passed up. What a relief! Now there are only the exams to take care off before we have our well deserved break.

A little sad to leave St Anne's as I finished my pastoral year there today. As always every time I leave one parish, I get the feeling of losing a good friend that I have come to know and the times and experiences shared. They have good people at St Anne's, even if they need some supervision and direction now and then. So long, my friends and thanks for the experiences and company!

Sent in my second part of my vocation story to Al. This particular piece was a little difficult to do as I had to give the right nuance and intention to it when I had to deal with my personal 'calling' as I see it now. A lot of things had happened back then that I now needed to reflect and give a coherent description to it without being overtly dramatic. Glad that I could actually sit down and go through those moments as honestly as I could.

Harry Potter blasted its way into the Spore screens with all guns blazing! It started its run on Thursday of last week. Expect an increase of pet owls over the coming few months...

And after all of this, I can only say 'Christmas is coming!' Yay!...

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