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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Some Aspects...

I just finished the last presentation for the seminarians of our extended recollection this weekend. The theme for the recollection was on aspects of the New Evangelization. This was a follow through from our community's bonding exercise last weekend to start off the year's academic and formation activities.

It is always a relief to have ended such recollections because of the expectations and the taking to by the audience, in this case our seminarians, wondering if the presentation was meaningful for them. I know that the time spent is generally not wasted. However, there is always this niggling thought as to whether I have done enough for them.

Anyway, these were the 3 presentations:

a. What are the areas necessary for each of us as Catholics to engage in on a constant, unending basis for the new evangelization to work?

b. What do you think is/are the “new” in the New Evangelization?

c. If you had thirty seconds to share the Gospel with an unbeliever, what would you say?

Much of what we can gather in a more formal sense in dealing with the question of the New Evangelization can already be gotten from the Pope's latest exhortation document of Evangelii Gaudium. However, much of putting that into concrete practice for daily engagement as disciples of Christ in the world today remains to be seen.

So, if you are to address those questions above, how would you answer them?... 

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice posts..!!neon war


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