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Monday, May 07, 2012


I always get a little irritated when I answer the phone by first identifying myself as "Fr Aloysius here" only to get the caller on the other line asking, "Hello, can I speak to Fr Aloysius, please"....

What am I, an answering machine or a ghost, ah?.....

Care to share your 'Abuden?!' moments?...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Fr Aloy

right now its Fr Aloy

In future it will be "excuse me can i speak to his Holiness Rt Rev Cardinal Aloysius Ong" ..

U never know u may one day be in the college of cardinals . and u will probably be voting for the next pope or you may be the next pope yourself.. God's ways are sometimes not our ways.. haha

ihm parishioner


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