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Friday, January 22, 2010

Blue People

Avatar (2009 film)Image via Wikipedia
I went to watch the most recent talked about movie with blue aliens and floating mountains - Avatar. That was about two weeks ago.

I watched it for the entertainment value that it offered and for some two and a half hours was bedazzled by the seamless reality it brought, in the midst of all the 3-D CGI, technical and camera wizardry that James Cameron is capable of and famous for.

I wasn't too caught up with whatever underlying messages in this movie that can make people sit up and pay attention to. I was just revelling in all the 3-D magic and the action, plus the storyline, that took the audience from one breathtaking, fantastical scene to the next, making you feel as if you were there and that such a place exists.

It didn't prevent some some quarters, however, and other groups of people, including some from high places to weigh in their strong feelings and thoughts about what Avatar can represent or had subtly implied.

The following, so far has transpired, since the movie made its round across the globe:

- The Chinese government banned Avatar
- a branch of the Russian communist party condemned it 
- the Vatican has weighed in on this too! (Fr John Barron suggests why here and highlights a certain attitude that is prevalent in the secular, entertainment world)

An article here has a few words to suggest why this movie may be causing some ripples in high places and you may have your own view to this too. Realism or not, Avatar certainly has evoked many deep seated feelings and emotions, somewhat like what Star Wars did eons earlier, but this time it took on the proportion of a political effect that stoke the disquiet of many with regards humanity and freedom of the person. The article goes with a view that perhaps all this is an over-reaction to what is, after all, a fictional story. I'd prefer to go its statement towards the end: "... Or maybe this film is a reminder that stories, when told realistically enough, can change people's minds and lives."

We could use more films like that...

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Young Minstrel said...

goodness...there's similiarity in the Force and the "religion of the natives" in Avatar?!!! how can?! Star Wars is Star Wars!!! XD no, but Father Barry's video forever keeps deep insight and thanks to this video i've a deeper understanding of who God is

no plugs needed XD

Denise Fath said...

I've kind of been surprised by the media craze that's surrounded the movie because of it's nod to pantheism. But can you imagine how up in the arms the world would be in the Navis had been Catholic?

ynsjkeow said...

Sala 2 in Barberini 3 days ago just for an entertainment...(Versione originale).I missing your company Aloy hehehee...

Unknown said...

1st quater I sleep while watching the movie hehehe..but I really impressed with the character and humanity value in the stories..

Natasha Yong said...

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