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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spiritual Hour?

In a concerted effort to push for lessening of light pollution, saving the environment and cutting back on the carbon emission for a while, 26 major world cities and 300 cities and towns have signed up to participate in the Earth Hour. Lights of these cities were turned off for an hour, beginning 8.00 p.m. on Saturday, 29 March, in a global campaign to raise awareness of climate change. Even Google into the act by blackening its usual white background search page!

Someone asked whether small-scale deeds such as this can really make a difference and change the world. It is

"the premise that the little, seemingly insignificant things we do - like turning off a light, bringing your own bag to the grocery store or switching to biodegradable detergent - can have a butterfly effect, adding up to something far greater than the sum of their parts, is one that has inspired many events much Earth Hour." Sarah Barmak (

Why bother with this? Well, if such secular event like this can garner such a publicity that, in a small way, did some good for the awareness of the world's environment, would an Earth Hour of a spiritual sorts be able to do something to the faith environment in the world? We can certainly see that the world and its inhabitants, i.e. us, need to acquire peace and harmony to overcome and put away all forms of strife, war, anger, revenge and hatred. Any ideas?...

Classes start in two days. I am just trying to prolong the holiday effect a little, but as you can see, it isn't working!... :-P

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