Social Icons

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Entertaining Day

I was interviewed by Radio Singapore International this morning for one of the segment concerning blogs.

Joel Chua, a friend of Fr Valerian who directed him to me, contacted me earlier for a possible interview on his segment that talks about interesting blogs on the Net, to which I consented to. The interview was through the phone with the emphasis on three main topics: why I created my blog, what comments have I received about the blog and how has the blog affected myself. I managed to satisfy what was needed for the interview and I mostly hemmed and hawed through it! :-P It shall be broadcast on Friday, 8th December. You can get a sound of it over here. ;-)

This evening, I had to go for a house blessing at Lorong Manggis (around the Joo Chiat area) and I decided to take a walk there through Joo Chiat Road into Joo Chiat Lane and then Lorong Manggis. What and eyeful I had while walking through Joo Chiat Road itself! The sight of night life in that area with the garish lights, the karaoke pubs and other entertainment establishment plus the 'captivating' hostesses that were in the neighbourhood, were enough to give a person cataracts in two eyes! :-D Amazing!

Never in the field of human entertainment, have so much of the profane be accomodated in such a few square meters of an area. I wanted to walk back after the house blessing but the parishioner insisted he drove me back...


Young Minstrel said...

i miss being online!!!! will hear the interview online when i home..
"hemmed and hawed"? hmmm..omoshiyone....

Darth Terror? siapa seh?!!! continue leh!!!

Unknown said...

wait lor!

Anonymous said...


where's the interview... i cant see it in the webbie... do let me know ok? den i'll listen to it... Peace

~fjm outta......


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