My telescope has finally arrived this afternoon, courtesy of Joo Beng from astrobargains who helped shipped the item from the States!
It is a beauty of a scope! We spend during the hour between 4.00 and 5.00 p.m.

The tripod is sturdy that is able to take its weight more than what telescope is and the mount is computerized that will help with the 'going to' of picking out the stars, constellations, etc in the night sky without me hunting manually for them. Cool, eh? ;-)
I also got a CCD Imaging camera and software to do some astrophotography later!
Now, all are sittin

Who knows what I will catch through the eyepiece as I scan the heavens that shrouds the secrets of the universe that now seem very incomprehensible to me... :-D
Wow what a monstor of a telescope! Glad you finally got it. Now you can see all the stars the local nightskies will let you.
Twinkle twinkle little star,
Can you see Along in view!
It's his brand new telescope, Which he got just yesterday
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How he wonders what you are!
Hi Fr Aloysius,
My name is Chris. I'm a blogger myself and an avid amateur astronomer. What a coincidence when I chanced back upon your blog after a long while to see that you are a proud owner of a new telescope!
I know Joo Beng and am part of the local astronomical scene here. Honestly, if you'd like to know more about astronomy, I think I'd be happy to share. Just let me know. It'll be fun to go stargazing with a priest!
God bless,
chrisyeojs -at- gmail -d0t- com
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