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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Come Holy Spirit!

It is a little wet and cloudy day this morning as I pen this entry. It is also Pentecost Sunday where we celebrate the birth of the Church and the entry of the Holy Spirit in the Chuuch's life in a umique and significant way.
However, in reality as I experienced it, the fruits that are to be forthcoming aren't so obvious. I am talking about love, peace, joy, purity, temperateness, patience, courtesy, faith, kindness, generosity, gentleness and forbearance. Much of these can remain as intellectual or philosophical items that are speculated and never really put into practice enough.
Much of these fruits I have encountered, especially during my rounds of anointing the elderly and housebound the past two weeks. They are found in the disposition of these people as they accepted the oil of unction that were placed of their forehead and hands. Tears sometimes flow from their eyes as they encountered the Lord myteriously through the actions and placement of the oil of anointing as I administered the sacrament. Nothing extraordinary, no fanfare. Just the quietness and calm that pervaded that moment.
Perhaps that is why the Pentecost Sequence that is sung or recited today at Mass before the Gospel is so apt: "...Thou the souls's delightful guest, dost refreshing peace bestow... pleasant coolness in the heat, solace in the midst of woe..."


Anonymous said...

Father, the Sequence is really beautiful. I would like to have a copy but where do i obtain it?

Unknown said...

it is found in the sunday missal for pentecost sunday.


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