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Thursday, December 20, 2012

O Key of David!

Keys. (Photo credit: Bohman)
This is the eve of the day that is supposedly to end....

Well, if you believe all that claptrap about the Mayan calendar and other nonsensical doomsday prophecies, which purportedly predict the end of life on 21st December as we know it, then shame on you! As Christians, we have been explicitly reminded not to dabble about any predictions concerning the end times. Even Jesus himself had said so, if you have any decent knowledge of Scripture:

"... of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son but the Father only." (Mt 24: 36)

But that doesn't mean we live our lives as though there is no tomorrow. It simply means to be watchful and on guard, keeping to our calling as God's children and transforming lives and the world one day at a time, to the best of our ability. It is also the key to daily upholding of our baptismal promises and living in the light of the Holy Spirit.

This day in the series of O Antiphons, we have the Key of David, in Latin, clavis.

Using the right key will help one to open the door that is before us. There can be many keys one has, but only one of them will open that door. Jesus in the line of David is the key to God's salvific plan and opened up the restoration and inauguration to the Kingdom of God. In our lives today, we can face many challenges that can blur and confuse all that we know to be the truth and right way of living as God's people. It is therefore important that you have the right key to help you maneuver well through all the flotsam and jetsam that can accumulate around one's journey.

When you set your sights on Christ and 'do as he says...' you have the right key that will open all the right doors for you to go through. Do you have that key in the first place?....

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